Today I interview Jen DeFrates of Heaven Not Harvard: Heaven Focused Parenting and Living. Jen and I talk about her story, homeschooling,...
Podcast: Back to Routine? Succeed with New Habits and Rhythms
Do Fall and "Back to School Season" drive you to make new goals or plans to 'be better' this year? If you find yourself chasing your ideals or goals and falling short, season after season, here's some encouragement as to how to set goals you can stick with (and...
How to Host a Stress-Free Dinner Party (and Why You Should)
Most people don't socialize anymore. I'm likely over-generalizing. But, I think it's true. I remember as a kid my mom would throw big parties for friends. The one I remember most required her to purchase fifty bamboo trays for people to use to hold their dinners. It...
Podcast: How to Handle Negative Body Image Flare Ups!
What do you do when you feel like your body image is doing better and then, boom! Out of nowhere, you feel yourself comparing or struggling with the scale and mirror again! Here's how to handle body image flare ups and keep the freedom you've gained! Listen now (or...
Ten Reasons to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Comparison: the thief of joy, the enemy of peace, the nemesis of rest . . . We know it's not "good" for us to compare. Though some argue it has helpful benefits in the workplace and can "propel" us to greatness . . .I disagree. Every time we're focused on how we're...
Podcast: What About Leah? Body Image, Comparison, Rachel & Leah
Rachel, Leah, and Comparison: Rachel and Leah, the iconic Bible story of two sisters with a giant sibling rivalry, has some hidden truths about body image and comparison. Grab your Bible, turn to Genesis 29 and get ready to see this story in a whole new way. God...
Podcast: Is Comparison Killing You?
Does comparison bog you down? Do you struggle with constantly comparing your life or your marriage or yourself to other people? Is comparison killing you? In today's podcast, host Heather Creekmore, author of the body image book Compared to Who? and the best new...
I Want You To Like Me: Guest Post from Alisha Illian
Super excited to have a guest post from a phenomenal blogger, Alisha Illian and her post, "I Want You to Like Me!" You may not instantly recognize her name, but you've likely read her review of Rachel Hollis' book, "Girl, Wash Your Face." Today, she writes for...
Podcast: Finding Joy and Overcoming Body Image and Comparison Struggles
If our body image and comparison issues are rooted in fear, then friends, we aren't living in joy. The Bible tells us fear and joy can't co-exist. Learn how to find joy through the stories and practical exercises suggested in this podcast! Listen on iTunes or use...
Leah Wasn’t Beautiful: Lessons from Rachel and Leah
Have you ever typed something into Google that you hoped no one would ever see? I sure have. It feels safe to reveal our hearts in the questions we ask a search engine. You can't raise your hand in small group and ask something like this: "What if I desperately want...