"Was it everything you dreamed it would be?" she asked. And she was serious--not an ounce of sarcasm in her question. She sounded so sincere in fact, I hated to let her down with my answer. "Well, not really." I quietly replied. "It was good. Don't hear be wrong....

The Amazing Beauty Hidden in Authentic Friendship
Weeks ago we hosted a dinner party to thank the leadership team of our small church. We had a baker's dozen around a giant table and I discovered something amazing: the beauty hidden in authentic friendship. You see, I'm married to a pastor. Not just any pastor--a...
Why I Didn’t Like the Video of Woman They Drew Hearts On
It's likely you saw it---the viral video of the woman who stripped down to her black bra and underwear and, using only a chalkboard sign, asked people to show their support for body acceptance by drawing a heart somewhere on her body. Here's the video of woman they...
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Are you fearful of making mistakes? Having others find out your imperfections? Does the thought of a BIG error make you sweat? Yeah, me too. As an intern in college, I worked in the Communications Office. Our group created an Annual Report each year to update donors...
Life is Not a Race
Texas summers are best enjoyed from air-conditioned rooms. But, the young ones need to get out of the house and so I suggest a contest. "Whomever swims the most laps gets extra iPad time!" (Sadly, iPad time ranks as a valuable commodity here.) Excited for the...
Helping Siblings With Comparison: A Tale of Two Sisters
What do you do when you have more than one daughter? Helping siblings with comparison can be tricky business. Read this great post from my friend Lisa on what she's learning with her two girls... Everywhere I take my daughter I hear it. "She looks just like you."...
Cindy Crawford’s Untouched Photos Went Viral: Why Are We Cheering?
Thigh dimples. Belly pooch. Saggy breasts. Stretch marks. We love to see them. No. Not on our own bodies. Yikes! Certainly not. We all bear the marks of this fallen world. Well most of us over the age of nineteen do. There are a few fortunate ones out there. (But...
You…Compared to Who?
I think we all have that person in our lives. You know, that one person you've always admired. That one person to whom you've probably always (maybe even just a little) compared yourself. For me, that person was my older cousin, Angie. There was no girl on earth who...