"But I feel better on a plan!" If you've believed the only way to feel better about your body is to stay "on plan" than this show will encourage you! This is a sentiment Heather's heard many times and even said herself. But, today, she talks with a dietitian and...

Eating Disorders
Dear Gwyneth: Your Wellness Plan is Not Food or Body Freedom
Today's episode is a compassionate letter to Gwyneth Paltrow who, on Instagram this week, talked about her "wellness plan" which included her sharing what she eats in a day. If you didn't get to see the interview, you can learn more in this New York Post article which...
What Happens in the Brain When You Binge feat: Dr. Kari Anderson
Today Heather continues her conversation with Dr. Kari Anderson about binge eating. They discuss what's going on in the brain when we binge, how the brain sends signals that lead to a binge, how binges can connect with attachment and relational issues, how fear...
Binge Eating, Stress Eating, Food Issues and Our Brain
Today Heather interviews Dr. Kari Anderson, a licensed professional counselor, eating disorder coach, author, and a recognized authority in treating binge eating and Binge Eating Disorder (BED). Today, Dr. Anderson shares her story of struggling with food as a child...
What to Do if You Hate Your Stomach (or Other Body Parts)
Today we’re going to talk about what to do if there’s a part of your body that you hate–that you want to change or maybe even are obsessing over changing. In particular, we're going to talk about hating our stomachs. But you can take today's content and apply it to...
Engaging Emotions Honestly, Three Chairs Model w/Travis Stewart
Heather continues her conversation with Travis Stewart, LPC - a leader in the world of Christian eating disorder treatment. In today's episode, Heather and Travis discuss a model Travis developed to help people work through tricky emotions, thoughts, and feelings in...
How Personality Connects to Food/ Body Issues with Travis Stewart
Today Heather talks with Travis Stewart, a licensed professional counselor and leader in the eating disorder recovery world. Travis and Heather discuss how understanding our core needs and motivations, which some may classify as part of "personality" can help us...
5 Things I’ve Learned About Body Image & Food Issues
I’m constantly learning new things and trying to share them with you as often as possible. While writing two new books this summer, I’ve spent time studying, learning, and uncovering new concepts around body image issues, why we struggle, food issues, eating...
Tara’s Story of Body Image Coaching (Part 2)
Heather’s guest is a former client and new Facebook community manager, Tara Rothwell. Tara shares her story of fighting with food, body image issues, and other addictions. In today's episode, Tara shares about her experience in Heather’s group coaching...
Romans 14: Good Foods and Bad Foods? Part 2
This is part two of a two part interview with one of our favorite non-diet dietitians and eating disorder specialists, Amy Carlson. Today, Amy and Heather look at Romans 14 and what God has to say about food rules. In the passage, Paul breaks down how some of the...