Have you ever had someone bring up YOUR weight or the topic of weight loss during dinner? Do you stop eating? Hide your body under the table cloth? Defend yourself with your food journal? Here's a dilemma many of us can all relate to and how contributor Summer handled...

Eating Disorders
Dear Fear: We’re Done
Dear Fear, It's quite interesting that you rhyme with dear although you are definitely not something dear to me, or something I want near to me. I've written several letters to you; several letters to the names you have manifested yourself as: eating disorder,...
Shopping Cart Righteousness and Drive Thru Shame
Imagine yourself in a back alley of a questionable neighborhood, wearing a hooded coat which hides your guilty eyes. You shift your weight from side to side, resist the urge to run, and command yourself; “Be cool man. Just be cool. No one will know. Just a few more...
Still Struggling with Food? Me Too
Would you believe it if I told you that while writing my eating disorder story I actually thought I didn't really struggle with food anymore? It's true. I really thought it no longer applied to me. Sure, I've technically been "recovered" from an eating disorder for...
I Want to Be Small: Eating Disorders and Hope
I desire to be small. Described with adjectives like "tiny." Complimented with words like, "Oh! You're so little!" That's what makes me feel big. Ironic, right? This summer God stirred my heart as I pondered one question: Why is that I desire to be small in order to...
Worried About Daughter’s Weight? How to Stop Freaking Out!
As my daughter stood next to me in the bathroom and put on the tiny bit of mascara and lip gloss she announces that she thinks the crocheted head warmer she's wearing is "too much" for her outfit. I look at my wonderfully made, beautiful daughter in the mirror-- the...
My Eating Disorder Story: Battling Bulimia & Receiving New Grace
It's my pleasure to introduce to you our newest contributor, Alicia Hunter from Turquoise Grace. Today Alicia shares her story of battling bulimia and how God's grace has worked in her life to bring her to a new place of health. I hope you'll read it and encourage...
I’m Pregnant but I Don’t Want to Gain Weight
I need to admit something. It’s embarrassing, it causes me shame, but I’m putting it out there. I didn’t want to be pregnant because I didn’t want to get fat. Here I am, just out of my first trimester with our #bonusbaby, and all my body image issues--which I thought...
Full:: What REALLY Fills Us?
Normally, it's a good thing to be full. As someone who has struggled with loving food a little too much for the last 34 years of life, feeling full is one of my favorite feelings. In first grade, I ate two Whoppers from Burger King without blinking an eye. In middle...
Hope for Exercise Bulimia: Allison’s Story
This is Allison's story of exercise builimia. I met Allison at a north Texas MOPS group last month. She was gracious enough to message me after the meeting and share with me her story. I wanted you all to read it and be encouraged too. There is hope. Great hope. It's...