Our "Questions" series continues with this one: Dear Heather: My daughter is only eleven years old but she's begging to wear make-up. I try to tell her that she doesn't need make-up to be pretty, but she says the other girls in her class wear it and then points to the...

Helping Daughter with Body Image
How Do I Accept My Skin Condition?
This post is a part of a series called "Questions About Your Body Image and Comparison?" Hello Heather: I came across your blog and while I accept the body shape I have, what do you say to someone, like myself, who suffers from a skin condition--a disease actually?...
When Women In Your Church Wrestle Body Image: 4 Things to Say
I sat at the edge of the table, not fully committed to the group of women already crowded around it. I love getting to know women at the MOPS and women's groups where I speak, but, sometimes, I like to just listen to their conversations first. "Oh she really has a...
Should I Tell My Daughter That She’s a Princess?
A new royal wedding . . .happening this weekend! Come on, you've got to admit it's intriguing. The glamour, the drama, the Royals. It's hard to look away. A few years ago we witnessed the birth of a new princess--a real, born-into-royalty, princess whom we will...
Little Eyes are Always Watching
Love this story from my friend Allison. A great reminder for each of us today! Check it out. Last Wednesday, I was stopped at a stoplight. We were on our way to drop off my son at preschool, and the day had already been...well, special. I glanced up at the rear-view...
Helping Siblings With Comparison: A Tale of Two Sisters
What do you do when you have more than one daughter? Helping siblings with comparison can be tricky business. Read this great post from my friend Lisa on what she's learning with her two girls... Everywhere I take my daughter I hear it. "She looks just like you."...
Dear Girl Mom, She’s Watching
Dear Fellow Girl Mom: She's watching. Every scowling glare we give the mirror. Every time we use the "F" word (fat). Each and every time we grumble about thighs that touch or bellies that aren't flat as the pavement. She knows. She knows when we aren't happy with our...
The Purple Leotard: Body Image Issues Wear Off
I love this post from my friend Trisha about the impact of her actions. Do our body image issues wear off on young girls? I think they do... Read this. (Then, read the rest of this series on "Helping Your Daughter With Her Body Image Issues.") I combed through...
Really Helping Your Daughter With Body Image
Some lessons are easy to learn. Others, like how to really help your daughter with body image, require an object lesson. "I can't go. Can't go. I must wear a dress. (Wah!) I must wear a dress." She chanted these two sentences over and again like a tiny, red-haired...