How do you tell your man about your body image or food issues? Should you even tell him? What if he doesn't understand? What if he is making them worse and you need to help him correct course? Or, what if he's engaging in behaviors that are making you feel more...

Lust Issues in Marriage
Help! My Husband Hates My Body Featuring Dr. Juli Slattery
Today Dr. Juli Slattery and I tackle a tough topic: What do you do when you think your husband hates your body. I've have many women reach out to me over the years with this concern. Today, Dr. Slattery and I take a look at this issue from a few different angles and...
What to Do When Your Husband is Looking at Porn
Today Heather interviews Rosie Makinney of Fight for Love Ministries--a ministry dedicated to helping women affected by porn in their marriages. Rosie shares the resurrection story of her marriage and how she and her husband came to a new place of hope and healing...
Podcast: Women & Porn Finding Hope and Freedom feat. Joy Skarka
Porn can have a huge impact on our body image and relationships. Now 32% of porn users are women and I receive messages every week from women who are struggling with the impact of porn on their marriage. Today I talk to Joy Skarka, an expert on this topic. She has a...
His Lust Problem Is Not About You
Sixteen: the number of days it had been since I checked my work email. But between the wedding, a cross-country move, and our honeymoon, time hadn't permitted me the luxury. Today I would have to face reality. I opened my new husband's laptop. My computer and the rest...
When Your Christian Husband Looks at Other Women: Marriage, Lust, & Body Image with Guest, Rachael Gilbert
Today's episode just may change your life and your marriage. Especially if you've ever felt frustrated that your Christian husband looks at other women. If you've ever struggled with wondering if you are "good enough" for your husband, physically . . . if you've ever...
What to Do if He Battles Lust: Help! My Christian Husband Looks at Porn.
Thanks to shelter-in-place orders and too much time at home with screens, pornography use is on the rise again. If your Christian husband looks at porn, or if you're wrestling the impact of porn use in your marriage, I hope you'll take a moment to read this and take...