Today we pray for peace with your body. You've heard of body positivity, body neutrality, and you've probably even experienced body negativity - but what about body peace? What would it be like to look in the mirror or get on the scale and feel nothing but peace about...

Podcast Episodes
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 2- Wisdom
Today we continue praying for our body image by talking about praying and seeking God for wisdom to reveal to you why and where you are stuck in a body image battle. Most of us have searched far and wide for "wisdom" on how to take care of our body. I know I've...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 1 – Faith
Today starts a 30 day series of praying for your body image. Today we talk about having the FAITH that you can actually change the way you feel about your body. Many of us have been let down by faith placed in other things. We had faith the diet would work, we had...
Control, Thyroid, Image, Introversion, & the Middle: 5 Lessons
Today I'll share 5 lessons I learned this summer about a wide range of topics from swimming with sharks to everything is hardest when you're in the middle to what happened to my Thyroid and Hashimoto's disease. I hope this episode will encourage you...
How to Stop Treating Your Body as a Project and Live in Freedom
This episode was originally called "How to Stop Troubleshooting Your Life" but it seems not many of you listened to I've included it in the Summer RePlay series so you can catch it now if you missed it back in Season 2! In this episode we talk about all the...
50 Ways to Beat Comparison Part 2
Today we continue with the last part of the rapid fire list of 50 ways to beat comparison. If you're a Christian woman who is tired of the life of comparison, this show is for you! But listen to part 1 first! We'll talk about proactive strategies to stop you from...
50 Ways to Beat Comparison Part 1
Why do we stay stuck in comparison, what can we do to break out, in what ways is comparison ACTUALLY hurting us? This episode is a rapid fire list of ways that you can recognize and beat comparison in your life. Many of these ideas are found in my new book, The Burden...
Podcast: Heather’s Appearance on The Intertwined Life
Don't be confused by the music, friends! Today I'm sharing my interview on Jenny Zentz's podcast called "The Intertwined Life." You get to hear me asking the questions each week-but on this episode - you'll hear me share my heart about why comparison and chasing a...
Podcast: Watching the Olympics, Body Image, & True Beauty
I'm a huge fan of the Olympics. But, a few years ago I discovered something really fascinating about my body image struggles while I was watching Olympic swimming. The bodies of the elite athletes did not look like the bodies on the magazine covers. Now, some of that...
Summer Replay: Dana White on Clutter and Body Image
Last year I did an awesome show with Dana White from "A Slob Comes Clean" about the similarities between body image and house clutter! The show has been a huge hit on YouTube where it's had thousands of views and hundreds of comments... but the audio version didn't...