It's hard to know how to help our children with food and food-related issues when we may still struggle ourselves. What do we do if our child's showing signs of disordered eating? How do we know if our teen has an eating disorder? What if our child is overweight and...

Podcast Episodes
Podcast: Quitting the Comparison Girl Game with Shannon Popkin
Are you stuck measuring and comparing yourself to others? Author Shannon Popkin and I have a heart-to-heart about what happens when we compare, how we can stop the dangerous habit of self-focus and love others, and what happens in our hearts when we sit around judging...
Podcast: Chasing Perfect with Author Alisha Illian
Ready to be free from those voices that tell you to do more and be more? Author Alisha Illian and I talk about her new book, "Chasing Perfect" and compare notes on how to stop comparing and find rest and peace in Jesus! We also have a fun conversation about reality...
Podcast: The Upside of Aging with Laurie Davies
Advertisements make aging seem like a crisis that must be stopped, but is there an upside to aging? My friend Laurie Davies and I talk about all the pluses that come with getting older, how you can learn to stop hustling for your worth, and how aging can allow us to...
Podcast: Comparison and Social Media: Can Christians Engage in a Healthy Way?
As my new book, "The Burden of Better" releases this week, in this episode I explore how social media impacts us and I talk about ways God has personally been convicting me over my social media usage. Does time on Facebook alter my view of reality? Does Instagram help...
Podcast: Body Image and Cancer
Today I talk to my best friend from my teen years, Rachel Czyz, about her journey through breast cancer. We visit one aspect of cancer few cover--body image. It's a strange concept right? You shouldn't be worried about how you look when you're fighting for your life....
Podcast: The Idol of Self & Becoming a Wellness Witness with Kara Osborne
Kara Osborne confesses that she used to spend her Christmas money on what she needed for the New Year's diet! I could so relate! Kara and I have a fun conversation about how God set her free from the body improvement treadmill, what keeps us stuck on it, and her...
Podcast: Defeating Comparison with Worship
Could worship be the key to defeating comparison? Listen to this awesome story from the Psalms. Plus, learn more about the new Christian book on defeating comparison called "Burden of Better" and listen at the end to find out about a brand new walking workout to lose...
Podcast: Hate How You Look in Pictures? Help if You Cringe When You See Your Photo.
Do you hate how you look in pictures? Do you volunteer to be the photographer or duck out of photos as much as you can? Instead of convincing you to stay in the photo, this episode will encourage you with strategies to stop obsessing over yourself in photos and how to...
Podcast: Body Image and Sexual Abuse, Hope and Healing with Mary DeMuth
Today I talk to my friend, Mary DeMuth – she's written dozens of books on a variety of topics – and we talk about several of them! Mary has a powerful testimony of enduring sexual abuse and shares her journey to find healing, what's helped her along the way, and...