Let's get real about this quarantine situation. Today I'll give you my best tips for homeschooling (I've got 7 years of experience), handling anxiety, flaring body image or ED and control issues. We'll talk about it all and what you can do to stop comparing and "live"...

Podcast Episodes
Podcast: Changing Focus to See the Presence of God: Abby McDonald Interview
As we're thrust into uncertain times, we need to see the presence of God in our crazy world, now more than ever! Today I talk to author Abby McDonald. Her brand new book titled, "Shift" is about just that - Changing our focus to see the presence of God! Abby and I...
Amazing Podcast for Christian Women to Improve Body Image and Stop Comparing
Hey friend! Are you looking for a podcast for Christian women that will improve your body image and help you stop comparing yourself to others? Author, speaker, and Christian body image expert Heather Creekmore will make you laugh, encourage you with biblical truth,...
Sean Coons on Body the Novel & Helping Boys and Body Image
Love meaningful fiction? Then you'll love this interview with author, Sean Coons who wrote a great book titled, "Body." It's the story of a woman who wrestles body image and finds peace. Sean and I talk about what it's like to be a man writing about a woman's body...
Real Women, Real Hope Dieting, Daughters, and Modeling Healthy Body Image with Kristen Maddux
What does dieting show our daughters? How can we model a healthy body image for them? In this episode, I talk to my friend, Compared to Who? contributor Kristen Maddux about her journey from being the "Best Dieter" in her Weight Watchers group to adjusting her...
Podcast: Christine Hoover on False Allegiances, Comparison, and Following the True King
Season 3, Episode 8 Author Christine Hoover and I talk about how easy it is to give our allegiance to things and concepts that aren't Jesus and how these false allegiances can keep us in the comparison trap. We have a fun conversation about how even pastor's wives...
Podcast: 6 Lent Ideas that Don’t Involve Food
Season 3, Episode 7 Do you practice Lent? Though not a required spiritual discipline for a Christian, committing 40 days to intentional spiritual focus can be super helpful if you're trying to find freedom from body image issues or comparison struggles. For chronic or...
Real Women, Real Hope: Mental Health, Diets, Marriage and More with Erin Kerry
Integrative Health Coach Erin Kerry and I have a fun conversation about everything from what dieting does to our brains and our marriages to mental health. From Erin's favorite phrase, "You can't digest when you're stressed," to my explanation of how dieting is like...
Podcast: Real Women, Real Hope Author Gina Butz on Handling & Accepting Change
Season 3, Episode 5 Though I like to keep things mixed up, change is hard! Especially those big, life-altering changes--they can send me into a spiral of emotions. My guest today is Gina Butz, author of the new book, "Making Peace With Change: Navigating Life's Messy...
Podcast: Real Women, Real Hope Cheri Fletcher How Discovering My Purpose Helped Me Find Freedom
Season 3, Episode 3 Today's guest struggled with body image and comparison and used to feel like she was "just" a mom . . .until God showed her something kind of amazing about that word "just." Hear Cheri Fletcher's story of discovering her purpose and how she's...