Today's guest is Erin Davis. Erin is an author, Bible teacher, and podcaster who has a new book out on Feasting and Fasting. Today is part one of my interview with Erin where we talk about her own journey with an eating disorder in college. We also talk about how God...

Podcast Episodes
Tara’s Story of Body Image Coaching (Part 2)
Heather’s guest is a former client and new Facebook community manager, Tara Rothwell. Tara shares her story of fighting with food, body image issues, and other addictions. In today's episode, Tara shares about her experience in Heather’s group coaching...
I’ve Tried Everything: Tara’s Story
Today Heather's guest is former client and new Facebook community manager, Tara Rothwell. Tara shares her story of fighting with food, body image issues, and other addictions and her testimony of how Jesus has walked beside her through tough times to bring her closer...
OCD, Narcissism, Eating Disorders, & Body Image
Today my guest is Dr. Michelle Bengtson, a board-certified neuropsychologist, author, speaker and podcast host. Dr. B and Heather discuss the connection between OCD and eating disorders and body image issues. They also dig into the effect a narcissist parent, coach,...
Romans 14: Good Foods and Bad Foods? Part 2
This is part two of a two part interview with one of our favorite non-diet dietitians and eating disorder specialists, Amy Carlson. Today, Amy and Heather look at Romans 14 and what God has to say about food rules. In the passage, Paul breaks down how some of the...
Letting Go of “Good” and “Bad” Food Labels Featuring Amy Carlson
This is part one of a two part interview with one of our favorite non-diet dietitians and eating disorder specialists, Amy Carlson. Amy and Heather tackle the topics of good foods and bad foods from a biblical perspective. They dig into Romans 14 where Paul addresses...
Letting Go of the Number on the Scale: IE Coaching Call
Today's Intuitive Eating coaching call Heather and her coaches talk about the real challenge of getting over that number on the scale. Heather talks about how a medical procedure recently forced her to see that number, after not weighing for a while, and how she's...
Letting Go of Clothes That Don’t Fit
If you're like me, there may be some items hanging out in your closet that no longer fit. Why do we hang on to these clothes? What's really going on in our heads and our hearts that keeps us from saying "adios" to something that's no longer right for our bodies?...
Letting Go of Expectations for My Life Part 2
Today Heather's friend, Jeanette Henriques continues sharing her testimony of struggling with eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and facing various other life trials. Jeanette became a ward of the state of Texas as child, was in and out of eating disorder...
Letting Go of My Expectations for My Life
Today Heather's friend, Jeanette Henriques shares her powerful testimony of struggling with eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and facing various other life trials. Jeanette became a ward of the state of Texas as child, was in and out of eating disorder treatment...