How do we live in the world but not of it when it comes to beauty and standards of beauty? Have the standards of what the world calls beautiful subtly affected our own definitions of beauty? Today Heather talks about the history of beauty standards, including the...

Podcast Episodes
Letting Go of the Need to Always Be Right
My guest today is author Brittany Ann from Equipping Godly Women. Brittany joins me today for a conversation about the need to always be right! Do you always have to be right? Do you stew and stress if you feel like others are getting it "wrong"? Do you like to have...
Letting Go of People Pleasing with Karen Ehman
Today's show features best-selling author and Proverbs 31 speaker Karen Ehman. Karen and Heather talk about people pleasing, why we do it, how it hurts us, and how to know when we're doing it. If you're afraid to say no or feel stuck in a people-pleasing rut, today's...
Lies We Believe: I Will Never Feel Better About My Body
Have you been struggling with body image so long that you've convinced yourself there is no way out? Or, maybe you feel like you've tried everything to make the pain go away, but nothing seems to work. Feel like you will "never be better" is a feeling of hopelessness....
Lies We Believe: Self Love Solves It
Today's lie is a common one. We're constantly told by the culture that if we just loved ourselves more, we wouldn't struggle with body image issues. More self-love (or self-esteem) would free us from the pain of not liking ourselves. It's as if there is some magic...
Do People Think I Don’t Care About Health? Intuitive Eating Coaching Call
On today's Intuitive Eating coaching call, Heather and her coaches, Char-Lee Cassel and Erin Todd of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women Podcast, talk about how we stress over what other people think of us as we back away from dieting and grow more comfortable...
Lies We Believe: I’ll Find My Purpose When I’m More Perfect
Maybe perfect isn't what you're going for, but have you ever believed the lie that you needed to get BETTER before you could pursue something? Whether it was getting your body "better" before you volunteer at church or getting your house "better" before you sign up to...
Lies We Believe: I Can Control What Others Think of Me
Today's lie is one that most of us aren't even conscious of. And yet, how often do we find ourselves changing clothes a dozen times before we see people or stressing over how we look or what we said? Could it be that the reason we stress is that we're worried about...
Lies We Believe: Not Controlling Food Means Out of Control Around Food
Most of us hate that "out of control" feeling. That's why diets are so appealing. They give us a plan and help us feel like we are in control. When we're "off" the diet we feel out of control, so we try another diet or "health plan" so we can feel our sense of control...
Lies We Believe: My Body Won’t Change if I Do Everything Right
Have you felt the pressure to never let your body change? Whether it’s gaining weight in different seasons or aging, we’re told a lie that if we can do the work, and be diligent, our bodies won’t change. But is this true? That’s what we explore on today’s show.