Do you want to be appreciated or do you want to be approved of? These two words sound similar, but we don't often think about their differences. Yet, when we confuse appreciation and approval, we can send our hearts on a wild goose chase after something they already...

Podcast Episodes
Lies We Believe: Weight Loss Fixes Everything
Today we start a new series for the month of September called "Lies We Believe." The first lie we tackle is the myth that if you just lose weight or get your body to the size you want it to be, you won't stress over body image any more. This is the lie sold to us...
Are You Exercising Your Pelvic Floor?
Today's show explores the one muscle in our body most of us never think about exercising, our pelvic floor! We talk about how this little set of muscles has all of your organs resting on it and how many of the issues women experience, from peeing a little when you...
Handling the End of Summer Blues
Do you wrestle with feelings of disappointment at the end of fun seasons like Summer or the holidays? If so, you may have Chronic Disappointment Disorder (or CDD). It's not a real disease, but Heather has experienced it as if it were. Today, she tackles what to do if...
Food Sensitivities & Meal Planning: Intuitive Eating Coaching Call
Today's show is another Intuitive Eating Coaching Call with Heather's friends Char-Lee Cassel and Erin Todd from the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women Podcast. We tackle Heather's journey with food sensitivities--including how Heather operated for ten years with a...
Talking to Your Man About Your Body Image Issues
How do you tell your man about your body image or food issues? Should you even tell him? What if he doesn't understand? What if he is making them worse and you need to help him correct course? Or, what if he's engaging in behaviors that are making you feel more...
The Religion of Our Diets: Confusing Messages of Diet Culture with Christianity
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you'd probably call yourself a Christian. You may even say that's our religion. But, when we follow diets, there is a temptation to follow a false religion. In fact, that's why diets sell and why Christians love diets so...
God’s Sovereignty & Your Body (Romans 9)
In today's episode of 7 Minutes of Scripture, we're talking about God's sovereignty and your body and body image! It's tough to tackle one of the biggest, richest, and deepest passages of the Bible in such a short amount of time. But, today, Heather attempts to apply...
Befriending Your Body: How to Make Peace With Your Body Size
Is your body your friend or your enemy? Are you on the same team or are you always at odds? Do you feel like your body fights you? Or, maybe you've just never liked it...and making peace sounds nearly impossible. No matter where you are at on your body image journey,...
Back-to-School Shopping, Body Image, and Our Kids
Back-to-school shopping time gives an opportunity for body image issues to flare! Sometimes the issues are our own--we may project our own body image issues onto our kids, fearing they will follow in our footsteps as their size or shape changes. Or, it may be that our...