If you feel the urge to find a new diet for the Fall, you're not alone. Back-to-school time triggers us with the lure of a fresh start, new routines, and the promise that maybe this Fall we can find the plan to solve our issues for good! But, is finding a new diet or...

Podcast Episodes
Comparing Yourself to Your Younger Self?
Are you stuck comparing who you are today to who you were ten, twenty, or more years ago? If so, today's episode is for you. We're going to talk about how to stop comparing yourself to your younger self. We'll explore how we tend to romanticize and idealize those...
5 Things to Do on a Bad Body Image Day
Wondering what to do and what not to do on a bad body image day? Here are five tips to help you navigate those days when you wake up and feel "bleh" about your body. If somedays you feel more consumed with your body and the desire to change it feels overwhelming, know...
Escaping Diet Culture and Healing Body Image Issues
Did you know that healing your body image may require you to escape from something you've likely been trapped in for a long time? Diet Culture-the ways we think having a better or "healthier" or thinner body will save us-has trapped many of us in its "escape room" for...
Are Fitness Trackers Bad for Your Health?
In today's "Hot Coaching Tips" episode, Heather talks fitness trackers, Apple Watch, and all the other little exercise bullies that we wear on our person. We talk about the good, the bad, and the unexpected when it comes to these tracking devices. Do you have to have...
What Does it Mean to Be Normal With Food?
Most of us who diet or try fitness/wellness plans aren't looking to be on a plan forever. We just want to rest. We just want to be normal with food. But what does that even look like? Are you so far from feeling peaceful and "normal" around food, that you can't even...
Still Trying Not to Eat: Intuitive Eating Coaching Call
In today's Intuitive Eating coaching call, Heather talks to her coaches, Erin Todd and Char-Lee Cassel from the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast about how she's spent so many years trying not to eat and how unfamiliar it is to have that permission. Today...
Hot Coaching Tip: How to Grieve the Loss of Your Ideal Life
What does it mean to really let go of our ideals? Are you grieving the ideal life that you hoped to have, but don't? Do dreams of "happily ever after" keep us stuck wishing and hoping that our lives were different than they are? How can we let go of our ideal life in...
The Spiritual Problem With Thinspiration
Thinspiration or Fitspiration has been around since I was a kid, only it didn't have such a cool name. But, I learned that cutting pictures out of magazines of women whom I aspired to look like would help me, somehow, look more like them. I read I should put these...
Hot Coaching Tips: Black and White Thinking
This month Heather gives "hot" coaching tips to help you get body image freedom. Today's topic is black-and-white thinking. Sometimes it's called "All or Nothing thinking." But the trap those of us who fall into body image issues fall into is believing that the choice...