My guest today is author Brittany Ann from Equipping Godly Women. Brittany joins me today for a conversation about the need to always be right! Do you always have to be right? Do you stew and stress if you feel like others are getting it "wrong"? Do you like to have...

What Easter Speaks to Our Body Image Issues
What does Easter speak to our body image? Easter means you can be free. We all need the reminder that the cross is where our truth worth and value is derived. We aren't more loved by the Father when we are pretty, thin, or well put-together. We aren't more valuable to...
Is God Calling You to do Something Small?
Are you called to do something small? With a sheepish grin, she glances down at her coffee then back at me. She takes a few minutes to choose the right words then speaks, "Well, I don't know. We feel like God has called us to do something big. Really big. Like...
Longing to Be Seen: Finding Purpose Out of Pain After Eating Disorder
I spent most of my adolescence desperate to be seen, but terrified of rejection. This caused me to never truly embrace how God made me. I instead looked to the world for what would make me valuable and worthy. Lost and confused, I turned to diets and food to save me....
Are Churches Encouraging Disordered Eating?
We know that the church means well; however, we also know that the church is made up of human beings who make mistakes. Just like the rest of the world, church leaders have blind spots and insecurities. They want to be culturally relevant so they tell a joke or two...
Amazing Podcast for Christian Women to Improve Body Image and Stop Comparing
Hey friend! Are you looking for a podcast for Christian women that will improve your body image and help you stop comparing yourself to others? Author, speaker, and Christian body image expert Heather Creekmore will make you laugh, encourage you with biblical truth,...
Sean Coons on Body the Novel & Helping Boys and Body Image
Love meaningful fiction? Then you'll love this interview with author, Sean Coons who wrote a great book titled, "Body." It's the story of a woman who wrestles body image and finds peace. Sean and I talk about what it's like to be a man writing about a woman's body...
Announcing REFOCUS 2020: A Great Way to Help Your Health Resolutions Stick This Year
ReFOCUS 2020 is a community that will run for 10 days - from January 6th to 16th on Facebook. In it, certified Integrative Nutrition Coach, Erin Kerry and Author & Christian Body Image Expert, Heather Creekmore will lead you through daily exercises to help get...
What You Really Need this Christmas
Podcast: Depression, Anxiety, & Identity w/ Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Do you ever feel anxious, depressed, or stressed about life to the point where you don't know what to do about it? In this episode of Compared to Who? the podcast, Heather Creekmore interviews neurospychologist and author, Dr. Michelle Bengtson on body image,...