For the better part of my life, my relationship with food, diet, exercise, and my body has been . . . complicated, to say the least. I’ve been through seasons of “plans” — i.e, Hallie’s path to less jiggle - seasons of “intentionally zero plans” - i.e., Hallie says...

Consider This When Making Weight Loss Resolutions
Did you make some weight loss resolutions this year? I bet you did. Tis the season for that sort of thing, right? Just yesterday I heard a Christian radio announcer read a story that said the top new year's resolution for many will once again be exercise more....
Wisdom Wednesday: Don’t Believe Everything You think
Don't believe everything you think. Sometimes our thoughts, even those about ourselves are wrong! I'm not sure who said this quote, but it's a good one to print out and put on your mirror, by your computer monitor or on your fridge if you wrestle negative self-talk...
Wisdom Wednesdays: Stop Striving to Be More Beautiful
Here's a great shareable image to encourage you and your friends today! Pin it, post it, or forward it to a friend who needs the reminder that her value is not found in her size. You'd be amazed how many women woke up struggling with their body image this morning. Who...
Should You Wear a Swimsuit this Summer?
This is a post I wrote for For Every Mom a great site especially for Christian moms! You may be wondering: Is that me in a bathing suit. Uh. Um. Yes. It is. Was this easy for me to do? Uh, no. It was not. But, here's why I did it. Although I don't advocate for women...
From Delivery Room to Deliverance: Tess’ Story of Breaking Food Addiction
I love sharing the stories of other women who have broken free from the bondage of body image struggles. This is Tess' story. I found Tess online, we had a mutual friend, and I liked what I read. I can relate so much to her story, I bet you will too! (Have your own...
Journey to Freedom: Shannan’s Body Image Journal Week One
Have you ever wished you could read someone else's journal? Not to be a creeper or anything. . . but just so you could know that you aren't the ONLY one who thinks the way you do? Today a very brave reader friend, Shannan, is allowing us to do just that. She felt like...