"But I feel better on a plan!" If you've believed the only way to feel better about your body is to stay "on plan" than this show will encourage you! This is a sentiment Heather's heard many times and even said herself. But, today, she talks with a dietitian and...

Dear Gwyneth: Your Wellness Plan is Not Food or Body Freedom
Today's episode is a compassionate letter to Gwyneth Paltrow who, on Instagram this week, talked about her "wellness plan" which included her sharing what she eats in a day. If you didn't get to see the interview, you can learn more in this New York Post article which...
Should I Be Sugar-Free? Intuitive Eating Coaching Call
Today Heather talks to her Intuitive Eating Coaches -- Erin Todd and Char-Lee Haze from the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast -- about whether or not you can be "sugar-free" while practicing intuitive eating. Char-Lee lays out a framework for making...
Romans 14: Good Foods and Bad Foods? Part 2
This is part two of a two part interview with one of our favorite non-diet dietitians and eating disorder specialists, Amy Carlson. Today, Amy and Heather look at Romans 14 and what God has to say about food rules. In the passage, Paul breaks down how some of the...
Letting Go of “Good” and “Bad” Food Labels Featuring Amy Carlson
This is part one of a two part interview with one of our favorite non-diet dietitians and eating disorder specialists, Amy Carlson. Amy and Heather tackle the topics of good foods and bad foods from a biblical perspective. They dig into Romans 14 where Paul addresses...
Letting Go of the Number on the Scale: IE Coaching Call
Today's Intuitive Eating coaching call Heather and her coaches talk about the real challenge of getting over that number on the scale. Heather talks about how a medical procedure recently forced her to see that number, after not weighing for a while, and how she's...
Do People Think I Don’t Care About Health? Intuitive Eating Coaching Call
On today's Intuitive Eating coaching call, Heather and her coaches, Char-Lee Cassel and Erin Todd of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women Podcast, talk about how we stress over what other people think of us as we back away from dieting and grow more comfortable...
Lies We Believe: Not Controlling Food Means Out of Control Around Food
Most of us hate that "out of control" feeling. That's why diets are so appealing. They give us a plan and help us feel like we are in control. When we're "off" the diet we feel out of control, so we try another diet or "health plan" so we can feel our sense of control...
What Does it Mean to Be Normal With Food?
Most of us who diet or try fitness/wellness plans aren't looking to be on a plan forever. We just want to rest. We just want to be normal with food. But what does that even look like? Are you so far from feeling peaceful and "normal" around food, that you can't even...
Do I Need More Self-Control to Stop Eating? Feat. Amy Carlson, RD
Do we need more self-control to stop eating? That's what many of us have believed. In this part two of a conversation between Heather Creekmore and Amy Carlson, RD -- we break down the spiritual fallacies surrounding applying self-control to wanting to be a "better...