Today we take time during our month-long series where we're praying for your body image issues to pray for a new view of beauty. Why do we feel compelled to try to look a certain way or be a certain "type" of beautiful? It's often because we have defined beauty the...

Podcast Episodes
Praying for a New View of Food to Help Body Image
Today we're praying for God to give us a new view of food. Some of us have feared food. Some have treated it like a savior. But the best way to interact with food is to see it as a good gift from God. God designed us to eat. He designed our bodies to run on food. And,...
Praying for Truth and Clarity Around Food Rules
Like we talked about yesterday, an important part of this process is seeing and believing something new about your body and your value and even food and what it’s intended for. Today we are praying for truth and clarity around food rules. What we need to remember is...
Praying for a Healthier Relationship with Food
Are you praying for a healthier relationship with food? Are you always restricting or binging? Do you obsess over food or feel like thoughts of food run your life? Do you fear food or what food might do to you? Are you caught up in labels like "good" foods and "bad"...
Praying for Freedom From My Opinions of Myself
Yesterday we talked about praying for freedom from what others think of us, but today we're talking about praying for freedom from what we think of ourselves!! What happens when we have ideals or expectations for ourselves that we can't meet? What happens when our...
Praying for Freedom from Opinion of Others, Approval, Body Image
Today in our month-long series where we are praying for your body image, we pray for protection from the opinions of others (or approval) related to our body image. Worrying about what others will think of your body is a type of fear. For some, we fear the opinion of...
Praying for Protection from Condemnation
Like shame – condemnation can weigh heavy on us. Condemnation can shout loudly at us when we eat something culture says is bad or if we don’t do something we thought we should or were supposed to do or if we miss a workout, or if we didn’t lose the X number of pounds...
Praying for Protection from Shame And Body Image Issues
Shame is what keeps us afraid and hiding around our body image issues. When we’re embarrassed, we will do anything to cover our shame. Sometimes it seems like the easiest route to covering our shame would be to "get" the body/outside appearance that we want so we will...
Praying for Protection from Lies Around Body Image Issues
Christian Body Image Coach, Heather Creekmore, has never worked with a client who didn’t have a soundtrack of lies that she listened to regularly. Lies rage and tell these women they are lazy, ugly, not good enough, or should feel ashamed. Today we talk about the lies...
Praying for Protection from Fear Around Body Image
Most who struggle with body image and eating issues struggle with fear at some level. We may not call it that. We may call it "diligence" or "perfectionism" or "anxiety" or "body worry," but under it all is fear. We’re afraid of the opinions of others, we’re afraid of...