Like shame – condemnation can weigh heavy on us. Condemnation can shout loudly at us when we eat something culture says is bad or if we don’t do something we thought we should or were supposed to do or if we miss a workout, or if we didn’t lose the X number of pounds we resolved to lose last year! There are many opportunities for condemnation to join shame and scream at us that we’re doing something terrible. But, as I’ve worked with clients over the years, I’ve noticed it’s hard for us not to side with condemnation – we think of condemnation as that mean personal trainer from the gym who is making us work hard, but it’s actually for our own good. But, no condemnation is for our good. Condemnation’s purpose is to kill us, to steal the life from us, to destroy our joy. Condemnation is not from the Lord. It’s from the devil. I did an episode last year about condemnation versus conviction. When the Holy Spirit wants us to change a behavior or to correct our ways after doing something that violates God’s law – he will tell us- But the Holy spirit’s conviction is very specific and loving – he is trying to guide us in a way that leads back to him – not scream us into a pit of depression and self-loathing.

Verse of the Day and Action Step for Praying for Freedom from Condemnation

Verse: Romans 8:1 “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,”

Action: Listen to the condemnation versus conviction episode so you can learn to tell the difference.

Ready to get free this year and renew your mind? Try Christian Body Image Coaching with Heather.

Learn more about group coaching which begins January 23rd here: Christian Group Body Image Coaching or

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Daily prayers for body image issues with Christian body image expert Heather Creekmore to help you tune in to God's will for your body.