How to Upgrade Your Wardrobe

by | Jul 28, 2016 | Christian Living

“Have you worn it in the last year?”

That’s the question we’re “supposed” to ask when weeding out our old clothes, right?

Unfortunately, it’s a pretty easy question to get around:

No, but I didn’t have a reason to wear something that dressy.

No, but I’m still losing a little pregnancy weight.

No, but I still like it. . .

And so we find ways to keep our wardrobes cluttered with things we’re not actually wearing. Worse, we’re setting ourselves up for spiritual clutter all day long when we’re “ready” for the day but feeling frumpy or plain.

When you get dressed in the morning, you’re clothing a beloved daughter of God, one who deserves to look and feel great!

So here are three wardrobe-organizing steps that can take you from “I have nothing to wear” to “What will it be today?”

Step 1: Clear It Out First.

Pull everything out of your closet and drawers: shoes, accessories, and all those clothes. Then, sort through the pile with a better question in mind: “Do I feel great in this?” Decide that God created you to be beautiful and you deserve to feel that way! Determine to clear out anything that’s going to block your view of what you really want to wear.

Step 2: Fill It Out Next

Take a look at those things you really love but don’t wear, and ask yourself, why not? Maybe you have a fabulous blouse that just needs a denim skirt to go with it. Or a bright pair of pants that needs a simple white top and fun chunky necklace to make it work. Make a shopping list and fill out your wardrobe with a few wonderful, complementary pieces.

Step 3: Lay It Out

Here’s my real wardrobe-organizing secret: I organized my closet in an untraditional way. Try storing everything that’s out of season (shoes, accessories, even clothing you would normally leave hanging on the rod) in your dresser, under your bed, or up high in your closet. Then place some inexpensive shelving under your newfound extra rod space so that you can store folded clothes, shoes, and accessories right there next to your hanging clothes. Arrange everything that you have to wear this season in that one location, completely visible.

You’ll be mixing and matching and overwhelmed with your great choices for the day! Upgrade your wardrobe and dress yourself as a beloved daughter of God! You’ll feel so great that you’ll forget what you’re wearing and remember Whose you are!

shannon_upton_organizing_you_memeShannon Upton is a public speaker, blogger, and author of two Organizing You books. She helps women use a little organization to clear out their spiritual clutter so they can grow closer to their families and their Lord. For more information about Shannon’s ministry, check out






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  1. Donna

    Great tips! I also like to hang all of my clothes with like colors (i.e., all whites together, greens together, etc). That way if I pick a shirt, I can go along the row with the shirt in hand and find a great match to it.

    • Shannon

      Thanks, Donna! My best friend does that, too, and I love walking into her closet—it’s so pretty, like a rainbow! I am fashion challenged enough that I prefer to hang by outfit so I can just grab and go… I pretty much wear the same things together all of the time anyway. 🙂


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